Using Eclipse Java EE Edition and Java 8: Design a Java class that represents a simple circular household fan. Characteristics are 3 speeds SLOW, MEDIUM and FAST (these have numerical values 1, 2, 3) A variable that keeps track of whether the fan is currently running or not (default false) A variable that specifies the current fan speed.(default SLOW) A variable for the fan radius (default 6.0) A variable for the Fan color (default “black”); Assessor and mutator methods for all properties A default constructor (no argument) that creates a basic fan A method to turn the fan on and off. A method the change speeds A Method called “toString” that returns a string that describes (in English) the current state of the fan Draw the UML Class diagram of this class Implement your class in a Java Project called HouseHoldFanProj Create a application class that exercises each feature of your household fan. Export your project and send me the zip file. If you were able to easily complete this project then you have a proficiency beyond our Java Programming I course. Page navigation ↑ Java Programming I ← Java Prog I – Session 1