1) Practice Environment – Java 8 1.1) Install Java JDK 1.8 with Java SE 1.8 JRE on your practice computer. Choose the Windows 64 bit version (x64), i.e. jdk-8u???-windows-x64.exe, unless your practice machine is a Windows 32 bit machine (x86), i.e. jdk-8u???-windows-i586.exe. You can tell whether your system is 64 bit (x64) or 32 bit (x86) by right clicking on the “Computer” Start Menu item and choosing “Properties”. Download the free Java SE Development Kit 8u??? from Oracle by clicking here. You must accept the licensing terms to activate the download. (This will open a new window or tab.) JDK Installation (opens in a new tab or window) 1.2) Click here to set your Windows Path to Include Java (Use Your Browser’s Back Button to Return When Finished) Add “C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_???bin;” to the System or User Path. 1.3) Click here to create your working directory, c:java-toolsjavarun (Use Your Browser’s Back Button to Return When Finished) The working directory should be unique for your class, c:java-toolsjavarun; c:java-toolsjavarunjava2-wksp; c:java-toolsjavarunjwad1-wksp. 1.4) OPTIONAL: Click here to read about the Java CLASSPATH (Use Your Browser’s Back Button to Return When Finished) Reference Materials (Opens in a new browser tab or window) Java Prog Useful Tools Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 8Javadoc https://java.com/en/download/help/mac_install.xml Page navigation ↑ Java Programming ← Java 11 Javadoc – API Specification Windows Environmental Variable – PATH →