The following are list of links that will help you setup your Spring Tool Suite Java Development environment on your computer:


Integrated Development Environment – Based On Class Computers

Spring Tool Suite – Latest Edition

Please use the latest version of STS from the website

1) Download from the link associated with 64 bit or 32 bit based on your practice computer.

Spring Tool Suite
Latest Edition

IMPORTANT! Follow these instructions literally. Extract All does not work.

2) Right click on the zip file and choose “Open” or “Open With … Windows Explorer“… and Right-Click copy then Right-Click Paste the sts-bundle folder into C:\java-tools\ (off the Operating System root directory) (important: use Right Click and Paste, versus Extract).

This may take 10 – 20 minutes to copy all the files.

Delete the pivotal tcServer folder from the STS installation folder. We will use the Apache Tomcat 9.0 Server


3) Create A Shortcut: Using the Windows Explorer (the folder icon not Internet Explorer the world icon) find the STS executable (has the icon) in the C:\java-tools\sts-bundle\sts-?.?.?.RELEASE directory and right click and choose Send To… Desktop (create shortcut)


4) You Can Now Run STS Using the Shortcut on Your Desktop


5) Use Workspace: c:\java-tools\javarun\spring-wksp or c:\java-tools\javarun\smvc1-wksp
Be sure to add the class folder e.g. spring-wksp or smvc1-wksp


Questions? Go to StackOverflow using tag spring-tool-suite


Computer Utilities

Optional: WinZip Utility

Optional: StuffIt Utility